

ORCID (https://orcid.org/) is an international nonprofit organization to provide a persistent and unique digital identifier (ORCID iD) for each researcher all over the world. ORCID iD allows each researcher to properly link their research results, including their papers, grant information, and academic activities. ORCID iD is currently required or recommended for submission to various international journals.

(ORCID: Open Researcher & Contributor ID)

Benefits of ORCID

・It is enabled that the names of researchers are surely identified with ORCID.

・ORCID enables researchers to share their research achievements to the world.

・Researchers can import their achievements to their ORCID records from multiple databases (eg, Crossref Metadata Search, Europe PubMed Central, ResearcherID, Scopus, etc.)

・Permitted organizations can automatically add research achievements such as papers to ORCID records (Crossref-Autoupdate).


Since 2014, Yokohama National University (YNU) has recommended YNU researchers to register for an ORCID iD and to put their ORCID iD into the Education and Research Activity Database (YNU-ERDB).

YNU signed up for an ORCID membership in October 2018 and integrated ORCID into YNU-ERDB. Career data of YNU researchers authorized by YNU in ERDB can be exported to ORCID, and also research achievements on ORCID records can be imported to ERDB with the integration since April 2020. This data link may reduce manual maintenance burden, and makes career data on ORCID record more correct and trusted.

*The way to link your ORCID records to YNU-ERDB records: https://er-db.ynu.ac.jp/

Search and Register for an ORCID iD

You can easily register an ORCID iD.

・Search your ORCID ID.


・If you have not registered your ORCID iD yet, please register for a new ORCID iD.


・Enter your ORCID iD into the YNU-ERDB.



Research Initiatives and Promotion Organization.  E-mail: erdb-adminynu.ac.jp

Last update:2019/07/08