1. RIPO Research National Security Export Control

National Security Export Control

The Security Export Control in Japan is implemented for the purpose of enabling proper development of foreign trade and maintaining peace and safety in Japan as well as in the international community by exercising the minimum necessary control based on the FEFTA (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act) under international export control regimes.

Those planning to visit YNU (from overseas)

If the following applies to you, you are required to submit ”Pledge (for non-residents)” and “Confirmation Letter” to YNU. Please submit these documents to the general affairs section or the host faculty member before or at the time of your visit.

・Non-residents (faculty members, researchers, students, etc. staying in Japan for less than 6 months) who plan to visit YNU (research facilities, laboratory visits, technical meetings, etc.) for the purpose of receiving technical information.

Japanese version

Related Links

METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Center for information on Security Trade Control


Any inquiries regarding export controls should be addressed to the contact below.
Manager for Security-related Export Control, Research Initiatives and Promotion Organization


Any individual inquiries regarding entrance examination requirements should be addressed to the contact listed in the admissions requirements.

Last update:2023/01/05